Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Agenda Item 72


Subject:                    Strategic Risk Annual Progress Update


Date of meeting:    17 January 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director - Economy, Environment and Culture


Contact Officer:      Name: Katie Read

                                    Email: Katie.Read@brighton-hove.gov.uk


Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release


1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         This report provides an update on progress with mitigating the risk that the Council is not taking all actions required to address climate and ecological change and transitioning our city to carbon neutral by 2030 (Strategic Risk 36).


2.            Recommendations


That the Committee agrees to:


2.1         Note the actions taken (‘Existing Controls’) and actions planned to mitigate Strategic Risk 36, linked to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, as outlined in Appendix 1.


2.2         Provide support and challenge to the Risk Owner (Executive Director – Economy, Environment and Culture) on this risk.


3.            Context and background information


3.1         The council has a Strategic Risk Register (SRR) to ensure strategic risks for the organisation are proactively captured and appropriate mitigating actions are in place. Audit & Standards Committee approves the Risk Management Framework and the respective committees are responsible for having an oversight of Strategic Risks linked to their areas of business.


3.2         The council’s strategic risks are reviewed quarterly by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) taking account of comments from quarterly risk reviews carried out by Directorate Management Teams. This process ensures the currency of the city council’s SRR.


3.3         One of the functions which the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee is responsible for is coordinating the Council’s role and response to cross-cutting sustainability issues such as reducing carbon emissions,


projections of a changing climate locally, improving resource efficiency and developing sustainable energy. It therefore has a role in monitoring and scrutinising this risk. It can also provide support by making policy decisions that have an effect on the overall risk likelihood or impact.


3.4         The initial risk score takes account of the existing controls in place to mitigate the risk (current score). The revised risk score assumes that all risk actions are successfully delivered (target score). The ‘likelihood’ (L) score ranges from Almost Impossible (1) to Almost Certain (5) and the ‘impact’ (I) score ranges from Insignificant (1) to Catastrophic (5). These scores are multiplied to give the risk score.


3.5         Appendix 2 provides a guide on the risk management process; guidance on how Members might want to ask questions of Risk Owners, or officers connected to the strategic risk actions; and details of opportunities for Members or officers to input on strategic risks.


4.            Updates to Strategic Risk 36


4.1         When ELT last reviewed SR36 it was agreed to amend the current risk score from L5 (Catastrophic) x I4 (Major) to L4 (Major) x I5 (Catastrophic). The rationale for this is that the effectiveness of existing controls are uncertain, hence the impact of not taking all actions to address climate and ecological change would still be catastrophic. Mitigating actions should reduce the likelihood of this event, however, there remains a degree of uncertainty around their impact, so the likelihood is still major. The target risk score remains the same - L4 (Likely) x I4 (Major).


4.2         The following actions are listed as further mitigations for SR36:

·         Deliver Fleet Strategy,

·         Deliver the 2030 Carbon Neutral City Programme,

·         Deliver the priorities with the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Strategy,

·         Develop a new Sustainable Transport Strategy (LTP5) for the city,

·         Develop a whole Downland Estate Plan,

·         Improve rates of recycling and develop business cases to increase the range of materials collected for recycling and composting,

·         Roll out a network of electric vehicle charging points (EVCPs)


4.3         The latest progress on implementing these actions is contained within Appendix 1.


5.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


5.1         Through consultation with ELT the Risk Management process currently in operation is deemed to be suitable.


6.            Community engagement and consultation


6.1      This is an internal risk reporting process and as such no engagement or consultation has taken place.


7.            Conclusion


7.1         The council has a robust Risk Management Framework and approach to key strategic risks, as evidenced by this report. There are a number of well established, existing controls in place to ensure the council is taking all actions to address climate and ecological change and become carbon neutral by 2030. The impact of further mitigating actions under this strategic risk are uncertain, as a significant element of the transition to carbon neutrality relies on national and/or international policy change. It will also require transformation at scale across the city, working alongside City partners, as well as radical behaviour change amongst communities.


8.            Financial implications


8.1         The Strategic Risk details the actions already in place (‘Existing Controls’) or work to be done as part of business or project plans (‘Risk Actions’) to address the risk. Potentially these actions may have significant financial implications for the authority either directly or indirectly. The associated financial risks are considered during the Targeted Budget Management process and development of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.


Name of finance officer consulted: Jill Scarfield    Date consulted: 07/12/22


9.            Legal implications


9.1       Sustainability is one of the functions which is delegated to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee. It is therefore appropriate for ETS to review risk SR36. The actions taken to mitigate this risk may have legal implications which are considered on a case-by-case basis.  


Name of lawyer consulted: Alice Rowland    Date consulted: 14/12/22


10.         Equalities implications


10.1      Risk owners are requested to ensure that equalities implications are considered in describing strategic risks, their potential consequences and when developing mitigating actions. This will continue as part of regular ELT & DMT risk review sessions.


11.         Sustainability implications


11.1      SR36 has a core focus on sustainability as part of working towards carbon neutrality by 2030.


12.         Other Implications


Public health implications:


12.1      As an existing control for SR36 the measures within the Council’s Air Quality Management Plan have a considerable impact on the health of the city. In addition, the strategic risk actions include a focus on the developing Local Transport Plan 5 and implementation of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, which have a significant focus on promoting cycling and walking to improve public health and overall quality of life.



Supporting Documentation



1.            Strategic Risk 36 report

2.            A guide on the risk management process